Called to Serve.

Meet the CtK Church Council

What Is the Church Council?

At Christ the King Lutheran Church, the Church Council is the governing body of the congregation. Made up of our pastors and elected members, it exists to set the mission, vision, and strategy for the congregation.

We have been privileged over the years to have many exceptional leaders serve on our council, a tradition that continues to this day. We thank them for their leadership. And we invite you, if you feel so called, to consider being on the Church Council in the future.

Meet the 2024 CtK Council


Caroline Satre
Brad Davick



President — Eric Schopmeyer
Vice President — Augie Freda
Recording Secretray — Amy Stark
Financial Secretary — Chuck Trundle
Treasurer — Leslie Choitz

Council Liaisons

Child Faith Formation — Dani Elgas
Fellowship — Allison Roggow
Pastoral Care — Nancy Hanson
Property — Tom Jordan
Community Mission — Andy Trundle
Stewardship — Julie Markiewicz
Worship — JoAnne Westerhausen
Youth Faith Formation — Brian Tack

Want to Meet Our Staff?

Our pastors and staff help us live out our mission on a daily basis.