Love and Serve the World
Called and sent to love and serve the world.
As you know from reviewing our mission statement, Christ the King Lutheran is committed to Mission and Outreach in the community. Our goal is to make Christ’s love known and present to everyone. Through acts of service, helping hands, and listening ears, we seek to make a difference.
- Overcoming injustice.
- Welcoming the stranger.
- Feeding the hungry.
- Nurturing the sick.
Angel Tree
Organize and deliver Christmas gifts to various local organizations who serve those in need.
A Backpack & Beyond
Collect donations and help children pick out a new backpack filled with school supplies.
Clay Food Bank
In collaboration with Clay Church, donations are collected to supply children with a week’s worth of food for their spring break.
Broadway Christian Church Collaboration
Collect hats and mittens in December to be distributed to the unhoused Michiana community.
Cultivate Food Rescue
On the first Wednesday of the month, a group volunteers makes meals for the backpack program.

Little Flower Food Pantry
Food is collected at CtK and delivered to the food pantry monthly.

Dismas House
Prepare and serve a monthly evening meal to former inmates.
God’s Work / Our Hands
Coordinated day/s of service throughout our community in September. There will be signups for a variety of ways to serve.

Mum Sale
CtK sells mums in the fall. Proceeds go to the Madison Foodpack Program.
Rummage Sale
Members donate items to the church and spend a week organizing the sale. Members also staff the sale, and all proceeds benefit the community mission projects and youth trips.

St. Margaret’s House
Personal care items are collected at CtK and delivered to St. Margaret’s House monthly.
Women’s Care Center
Members help distribute clothing and baby items to new low-income moms.
Senior Suds
Every other Tuesday, local seniors receive free laundry services and a meal. This program is done in collaboration with Burton’s Laundry and Clay Church. CtK members provide the meals and volunteer, helping the seniors with their laundry.
If you have an interest in international service, CtK is committed to support two international organizations, one in Jamaica and one in Liberia. We support these missions, both financially and through annual mission trips.
Jamaica Mission Team – Sunbeam Boys Home is a children’s home to serve children and young adults
in Jamaica, by providing a safe and nurturing environment while teaching the principles of Christian living. A team of volunteers serve as missionaries at the home. They lead the boys in various activities and help to complete work projects.
Phebe School, Liberia ‐ CtK sponsors, on average, 60 students each year. Sponsorship covers the cost of the student uniform, shoes, books and tuition.
Mission Fund
The Mission Fund at CtK was created by donations from the Into Campaign to support local and global organizations where CtK members are actively involved as volunteers. CtK members can apply for Mission Fund grants to support programs, projects, and capital needs of the organizations where they volunteer.