
Why do we give? 

It is a fundamental spiritual and psychological principle that life and its gifts are to be used and shared. Life cannot be hoarded or it turns in upon itself and you lose it. “Whoever would save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” (Matthew 16:25) We each have a deep inherent need to give. To give is to live!


Christ the King does need our support, but we must remember it is God’s Church and it will prosper and flourish in God’s own good time whether we give to it or not. The wonder of it all is what God invites us to be — a part of God’s church—and to experience the joy and blessing of generously supporting and extending its mission.

Opportunities for Giving

Christ the King financially supports many ministries both inside and outside our walls. We have organized them into groups to make them easier to explore or find. Here are the main categories:

Main Donations

Donate to our general offerings and current focus ministries such as our Altar Flowers.

ELCA Funds

Donate to one of many ELCA funds, including ELCA Good Gifts, ELCA World Hunger and IN-KY Synod Disaster Fund.

CtK Ministries

Looking to donate to Christ the King? Donate to aid for Christ the King such as Altar Flowers, our Organ Fund, or our Property Enhancements.

Local Area Ministries

Donate to our local area ministries' efforts, including A Backpack and Beyond, Dismas House and the Unity Gardens.

National & International Ministries

Donate to efforts such as Lutheran World Relief, Lutherwald, and Phebe School.

Looking for all funds offered by Christ the King? Visit here.

Ways to Give

We still provide offering envelopes if you would like them. Contact the church office at to request offering envelopes. Put the cash or check in the plate at a worship service or mail directly to the church office at the address below.

Use this Give button on the website or this link (direct from bank or by credit card). 

There are many ways to give that may reduce your Federal/State tax liability. Refer to our Gift Acceptance Policy for more general information and, as always, consult your tax and legal advisor to see if this is appropriate for you.

Securities, Real Estate, Tangible Personal Property, Will/Trust, and other “non-cash” gifts. In some situations we will accept gifts in other forms. Refer to our Gift Acceptance Policy for more general information on other forms of giving and, as always, consult your tax and legal advisor to see if this is appropriate for you.