Rally Day and Church Picnic

Christ the King Lutheran Church 17195 Cleveland Rd, South Bend, IN, United States

Sunday, September 8, is a big day at CtK! Mark your calendars and join us for: Rally Day (the first day of Sunday school!) Annual church picnic Family pictures for those who need an official CtK portrait taken And more! Watch for details here and in the September King's Herald newsletter.

Volunteering @ Clay Mobile Food Pantry

Clay Church Firehouse Campus 17646 Cleveland Road, South Bend, IN

Please join us for a day of service at the Clay Mobile Food Pantry. We'll gather at Clay Firehouse Campus to help load the truck, then assist with food distribution throughout the community. For more information, please check the signup sheet in the narthex or contact Jill Harms.

Volunteering @ Christ Child Society

Christ Child Society of South Bend 2366 Miracle Ln, Mishawaka, IN

Please join us for an evening of service at the Christ Child Society of South Bend. We'll gather at the Christ Child facility in the Town & Country Shopping Center in Mishawaka. For more information, please check the signup sheet in the narthex or contact Jill Harms.

Youth Bonfire

Christ the King Lutheran Church 17195 Cleveland Rd, South Bend, IN, United States

Middle and high school youth: Mark your calendars for a bonfire on Friday, September 27, from 6:30–8:30 pm! Come hungry—we’ll share dinner (walking tacos) and a variety of fun desserts prepared over the fire. See you there!

Sunday Night Live

Christ the King Lutheran Church 17195 Cleveland Rd, South Bend, IN, United States

Students in grades 6–8: Please join us for Sunday Night Live on September 29. Plan on an evening of discussion, learning, games, and fun!

High School Hangout

Christ the King Lutheran Church 17195 Cleveland Rd, South Bend, IN, United States

High school students: Please join us on Sunday, September 29, from 5–6:30 pm. We'll enjoy some time together while working on a hands-on project.

Volunteering @ Cultivate Food Rescue

Cultivate Food Rescue 1403 Prairie Avenue, South Bend, IN

Please join us for a morning of service at Cultivate Food Rescue, where we will help package meals for people throughout the community. We'll gather at the Cultivate facility on Prairie Avenue in South Bend. For more information, please check the signup sheet in the narthex or contact Jill Harms.

Welcome to CtK Luncheon

Christ the King Lutheran Church 17195 Cleveland Rd, South Bend, IN, United States

If you are newer to Christ the King—or have been around for a while but would like a refresher course—join us for the “Welcome to CtK” luncheon. Learn about who we are as ELCA Lutherans; meet a few staff and congregational leaders; find out how we are living our mission in 2024; and discover how […]

Acolyte Training

Christ the King Lutheran Church 17195 Cleveland Rd, South Bend, IN, United States

Middle schoolers: Please make every effort to attend this event, where our experienced seventh- and eighth-grade acolytes will train the sixth graders.

Hymn Festival of Healing and Hope

Christ the King Lutheran Church 17195 Cleveland Rd, South Bend, IN, United States

The Hymn Festival of Healing and Hope is a celebration of CtK’s growing mental health ministry; a recommitment to the mental health of those in our congregation and community; and an opportunity to gather together to sing about hope, healing, and God’s presence in our lives through the experience of mental illness. This year’s Hymn […]