Join us at 8:15, 9:30, or 11:15 am to celebrate this most joyful day in the church year! The 11:15 service will be livestreamed on our website and our YouTube channel.
CtK’s musicians and worship volunteers dedicate their Easter morning to making our services beautiful. They arrive early to practice before the first service and don't get to leave until after the last. Let's show our appreciation by supplying breakfast for the musicians and Easter volunteers. Please sign up here to bring one or more breakfast […]
Join Pastor Caroline and others from CtK for a tour of the new Raclin Murphy Museum of Art at Notre Dame. The tour will be led by Emily Normand, a fellow for Religion and Spirituality and the Visual Arts at the museum. Our primary focus will be the pieces discussed at our “Soup & Art” […]
Our annual Youth Flower Sale is a great way to order your annuals, patio pots, and hanging baskets just in time for Mother’s Day, while also supporting the Urban Plunge Youth Trip to New York City and Washington, DC. For more information about the flower sale, including an order form with price list, please visit […]
Round up the crew and join us for an unforgettable night! This year's Whodunit theme is an all-class reunion for Indiana Polytech University (IPU), home of the Possums. This Fellowship event has something for everyone—food, fellowship, fun, and intrigue. Plus, the proceeds will support this summer's Urban Plunge Youth Trip! Tickets are $25 per person […]