Fostering Productive Dialogue.
Word & Table
Born from the Community Ministry Grant and Pastor Caroline’s frustration over our inability, as a society, to talk to each other respectfully (especially when we disagree), the goal of Word & Table is to bring people together, sometimes over a meal, for a faith-based dive into issues of social concern. Utilizing community speakers, selected materials, and other resources, we are educating ourselves, engaging in honest and respectful conversation, and researching what to do in response.
The first topic the steering team chose to highlight is poverty. In order to educate ourselves, each participant was given three books and invited to three Zoom sessions. In the reading and the listening, we learned that poverty is extremely complex, that not all solutions are good solutions, and that addressing any complex issue requires entrepreneurial thinking. We hosted discussion groups to process these concepts.
With the educational phase complete, we have begun discerning what we might do to make a small difference in St. Joseph County. To join this effort, please email Sarah Felde at All are welcome!