Formation that launches youth into adulthood.
Youth Ministries
The youth program at CtK is a special group of people. We care about each other and work hard to develop meaningful relationships that are rooted in our shared beliefs as Christians.
Youth Crew
We invite young people in grades 6 to 12 to meet every Sunday from 10:30 to 11:15 am. Middle school students meet in Room 500, and high school students meet in the Youth Room. We have a great group of kids who are supportive and welcoming. Please join us and feel free to bring a friend as we learn more about our faith, develop friendships and have fun!
SNL/ Confirmation
Sunday evenings are for Sunday Night Live! From 5 to 6:30 pm two Sundays a month, all youth in grades 6–8 gather for study, prayer, videos, music, games, discussion, and fun! As our official Confirmation program, the three-year curriculum focuses on the fundamentals of our faith (Luther’s Small Catechism), the Bible, and living out our baptismal calling in our everyday lives. Questions and doubts are welcome.
Senior High
We’re trying something new this year! In addition to the National Youth Gathering and other monthly events, senior high youth will plan a few of their own activities. This is leadership development at its finest.
Summer Trips
We have a three-year rotation consisting of a mission trip, an adventure trip, and the National Youth Gathering. Additionally, CtK takes a group of 6th–9th graders to Camp Lutherwald for confirmation camp each summer, and 9th–12th graders can attend a servant leader camp.
Monthly Events
A Youth Faith Formation (YFF) Committee composed of parents past and present meets to plan events such as youth service days, mystery dinners, tubing, skating, campouts, lock-ins, flower sales, and community outreach.