Our Vision for the Future of CtK

Strategic Plan

At the annual meeting of the congregation in January, we laid out our vision for the future of Christ the King.

Our commitment to our missionAs the body of Christ, we are called and sent to love and serve the worldis unwavering, and we will now also be guided by a vision statement that reflects who we are and where we want to go.

Guided by faith, we will continue to grow a community that is welcoming, healing, and supportive for all.

As a congregation, we have also identified seven key values that unite us:

Welcoming    Inclusive    Authentic    Missional    Generous

Family-focused    Intergenerational

To read more about our strategic plan and our three key areas of emphasisCongregational Involvement and Care, Community Mission and Identity, and Youth Empowerment and Engagementclick the button below.

We need YOU to help make our vision into reality! 

To let us know how you would like to be part of this journey, please fill out a simple online form by clicking the button below.