Worship from Anywhere

Worship on the Web

Christ the King offers two online worship options each week.

Both services stream live on this page on Sunday mornings and can be watched anytime during the following week.

To view a full-screen version of either service, press play, then click on the icon in the lower right corner of the video player window.

To access the worship and music folder for either service, click the blue button below the video player.

Contemporary Worship
Streams live at 9:30 am

Traditional Worship
Streams live at 11:15 am

While you’re here, please consider subscribing to our YouTube Channel as a no-cost way to support CtK’s outreach.

If you’d like to view previous services, you may do so by visiting the Worship on the Web YouTube playlist.

To help financially support CtK’s efforts to love and serve the world, please click the button below.

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