Ready to Connect in a Unique Way?
Join CtK
Welcome to the CtK Family!
Thank you for your interest in Christ the King Lutheran Church! We are a vibrant community always looking for new friends to join our congregation. If you are looking for a church home, please consider making our family your family. Our faith community is a blessing in our lives, and it is a privilege to share God’s work by serving our greater community. We are excited about our church and we would love to have you become part of it. We have activities for people of all ages and a nursery is available in Room 401 during our worship services for infants to children aged four.
CtK is an ELCA congregation of approximately 1,000 members ranging in age from infant to 90+ years. We are singles, couples, families, young adults, empty-nesters, college students, kids, and seniors, but all children of God. We not only say our mission at the end of each service, “As the Body of Christ, we are called and sent to love and serve the world,” but we encourage our members to live it in their daily lives.
If you have any questions, would like a tour, or are interested in joining CtK, please contact our Connections Coordinator at

Get Involved
At Christ the King we believe that an essential part of being a disciple is acting on one’s faith. We offer a variety of ways to engage with God, the community at large, and with each other. Please let us know what you might like to explore. Consider your talents and abilities, your interests and needs, and take a few minutes to complete the survey link below. We encourage members from grade 9 to age 99 to complete the survey.