Christ the King Lutheran Church
You Are Welcome Here.
We’re ordinary people, called and sent to love
and serve the world.
Our community isn't complete without you.
Our community is Open.
For Everyone.
As part of the ELCA, the people of Christ the King open their doors (and hearts) to people of all walks of life because God’s unfathomable love is available to everyone through Jesus Christ. All are welcome to worship and take Communion here with their whole selves — every race, ethnic background, past wrongdoing, socioeconomic status, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, or physical ability. Questions and doubts are welcome, too.
Whoever you are.
Wherever you come from.
You have a place here.
Our Services
8:15 am
Tap into the rich history of Lutheran worship in this service featuring traditional hymnody, liturgy, and practice.
9:30 Am
Discover new ways to worship in our contemporary service. Hear recently written songs, prayers, and meditations.
11:15 Am
Another opportunity to worship in a traditional way. All ages are welcome to be part of this rich and meaningful experience.
9:30 & 11:15 AM
Worship with us from anywhere! We offer two virtual service options. Stream live on Sundays or watch anytime during the week.