CelebratE the Nativity of Our Lord

Christmas Eve Worship

Please join us for Christmas Eve worship on Sunday, December 24!

Services will be held at 4 pm, 6 pm, and 8 pm. All three services will feature familiar hymns and carols, the Christmas story as presented in Holy Scripture, and candle lighting during the singing of “Silent Night.” Additional details are as follows:

4 pm Contemporary Worship

This is traditionally CtK’s Christmas Eve worship service for children and families (although all are welcome!). Pastor Brad and Pastor Caroline will deliver a special young peoples’ message, and music will be provided by Xalt!.

6 pm Traditional Worship

This traditional service will feature the Alleluia Ringers bell choir, playing special arrangements of festive music and accompanying the congregation on their favorite Christmas carols.

8 pm Traditional Worship

This traditional service will feature the music of the Sanctuary Choir, including the singing of Handel’s “Hallelujah” chorus at the close of worship. Extra copies of the music will be available; please come forward at the end of the service and join us in the singing!

The 6 pm service will be livestreamed below for your convenience. You can also watch the service on our YouTube channel.

To access the Christmas Eve worship folder, please click the blue button.